Become a Member
Annual Membership - £90 per annum
There are two separate application routes to become a member of BAPPS. Further details of how to apply by these routes are stated in our criteria document.
Portfolio Application Route
Applicants with substantial professional experience for whom aspects of qualification differ from those stated in 2, 3 A and B of the BAPPS application criteria will be required to submit either a written paper and/or a portfolio to demonstrate required levels of experience in supervision practice, therapy practice, supervision of practices and previous training or apprenticeships.
Further details of how to apply by this route are stated in paragraph 4A & 4B.
Please indicate, on the application form the criteria under which you are applying for membership.
Lapsed Membership
Upon receipt of renewal of membership invitation, members can choose to lapse their membership for up to 36 months leaving the option to return at any stage within that period. You are required to advise BAPPS as soon as possible of your decision to lapse membership so that we can discuss with you the professional impact and your options for return.
To Reinstate Lapsed membership within the 36 month period we will require payment of the annual fee plus completion of the BAPPS Reinstatement of Membership Form and for the information contained to satisfy the Membership Committee that full compliance with membership criteria and policies have been satisfied. This must include full disclosure of any professional complaints, and or, investigations and associated outcomes that have taken place since the date that BAPPS membership was previously held.
Reinstated lapsed or cancelled membership will not be backdated but will restart from the point of the membership being reinstated. Please find more information in the Lapsed & Cancelled Membership Policy and complete the form below.